Have you seen it yet?
Our new website design is here!

It is very exciting for us, & easier to use for you.
Just a bit of a Glow-Up, but without the sparkles, & eyelashes!
More colour, less confusion, easier links to wherever you want to visit, more description of the important bits, & more puds for you to make & enjoy.
Let us know what you think as feedback is always welcome, drop us a line at info@gooeypuds.co.uk, or go to the Facebook page @gooeypuds.
So, welcome to the second stab, new and improved!
Shame about the sparkles, though.... (although, I am sure I can squeeze them in somewhere- in fact- a free pud to the first person who finds the sparkles I have sneaked on to the site. The sparkles are in the form of fireworks, and will be there for 1 week only, so best get looking!)