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It's Christmas time (nearly!)


Have you written your wish lists yet?

We haven't. We are great ones for leaving everything until the last minute, much to the annoyance of our families! There have been years when life has been so busy, the decorations have gone up on Christmas Eve. Hopefully we will do better this year!

This year we do at least have a Christmas pudding. It is based on our family recipe, that can be traced back to my great granny's family, and probably back further. Made from vine fruits, candied peel, a very well known brand of Irish stout and French brandy, it weighs in at a hefty 1 kilogram, and will happily feed 10 people. I have put this onto the website, so that you can have a go. It is incredibly moist, and also comes with brandy to feed it after a couple of weeks, and also to light it at the dinner table to impress your family. You will need a steamer or a large pan and a 1kg heatproof bowl, but other than that it is very straight forward. You can always make individuals, or just smaller ones so as not to waste any of the pudding. Trust me- you won't want to!

Find it, and other exciting Christmas products at

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